Sunday, May 18, 2008

JackRabbits - Not a Sex Toy.

As usual we had a stand up time at Jack Rabbits in Jacksonville FL. There is a Panera down the street, which we feel is always the best way to start off a day.

Jackrabbits, Jacksonville FL

Rob invented a new game called Tape Throw.. or Throw the tape or something. He and Sebastian spent a fair amount of time throwing a roll of yellow gaff tape back and forth. I guess I didn't understand the appeal, but they did it for long enough that they were both sore afterwards and Rob hasn't stopped talking about it since.

Setting up Drums

(Allen is laughing in this pic because Sebastian and Rob are really stoked about Tape Throw)

Pool Shark

Also, there is a pool table at Jackrabbits.. so Sebastian got plenty of games of pool in while he could, and we all learned about how people always call thinking the club is some sort of sex club, but its not.. Just a super rad bar.

The only thing to watch out for when you're at Jackrabbits are the brutal signs... you'd better keep yourself in check or you'll be crotch kicked. No one wants that.

We escaped this unscathed Speakers are taken very seriously.

Massive Tour Recap

Hey Friends -

We've been out for the last few weeks with some killer new pals of ours called Play Radio Play and You, Me, and Everyone we know. We've hit the NE, the South, and Now we're in FL headed west. It is hot and muggy and horrible here but we've been having an amazing time so far in Pensacola, Jacksonville, and Gainesville.

Here is a quick recap of other rad stuff that has happened to us in the last few weeks:

We had 2 days off in Philadelphia, PA and were lucky enough to have a chance to go check out Ben Folds at Drexel University. As you can imagine, Ben is a big influence for Sebastian so it was very cool to get to all see him together. We also found out that Drexel apparently has the same Mascot as Dropping Daylight does.. .The Dragon.


We've been seeing a lot of the restaurant Friendly's in our travels... We dont have them in Minnesota, and for some reason they make Rob and Seth really angry. Its kind of ironic.

Not so Friendly....

We also had a ton of crazy times in Greensboro, NC. Sebastian tried to steal some giant baseballs but they proved him to not be man enough. Our friend Jeff (You, Me, and Everyone We Know's videographer) did however prove himself to be man enough.. by wearing a Youth Medium tshirt. Highlight of the tour so far, if you ask me..

Sebastian Misses his Glory Days.Its bigger than you. True Story.Giant Drinking FountainGreene St.

Trendsetting at its Best.Swanky.BFFs for Life.

We have 2 more shows left in Florida (Orlando and Tallahassee) and then we head into AL, AR, TX and back up into the midwest towards home. Can't wait to see what else this tour has in store for us.... Come say Hi!