Monday, April 28, 2008

So Excited to be back on the Road!

We all had a very fun week off.. We enjoyed some nice weather, time with our families, birthday partying, tattoo sessions, and seeing Kids in the hall... but we are STOKED to be back on the road.

We left Sunday morning and drove 30 hours straight through to our show with From First To Last and Automatic Loveletter in South Burlington, VT. We drove through Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York to get here. When we hit Michigan we checked out our GPS to see why we were in Michigan instead of Indiana, and realized that our GPS was trying to send us on a SHORTCUT through CANADA.

That was a bad idea, so we rerouted ourselves Via Cleveland and stopped at Als house for some 1am snacks. His Family knows how to party.

We play a few more dates with From First To Last, and starting next monday we'll be on our sick co-headlining tour with You, Me, and Everyone we Know, and Play Radio Play. We're totally looking forward to checking those guys out, and Looking forward to all of you coming to see us again and hang out. Check out the dates below and be sure to come rock out with us!

May 1 - The Living Room - Providence, RI (with FFTL)
May 2 - Toads Place - New Haven, CT
May 5 - The Sad Cafe - Plainstow, NH (With YMAEWK and PRP)
May 7 - Xtreme Wheels - Buffalo, NY
May 8 - Billy Baloneys - Danbury, CT
May 9 - Westcott Community Center - Syracuse, NY
May 12 - The Ottobar - Baltimore, MD
May 13 - Club Relevant - Virginia Beach, VA
May 14 - Greene St Club - Greensboro, NC
May 15 - Headliners - Columbia, SC
May 16 - The Red Door - Pensacola, FL
May 17 -Jack Rabbits - Jacksonville, FL
May 18 - 1982 Bar - Gainesville, FL
May 19 - The Backbooth - Orlando, FL
May 20 - The Beta Bar - Tallahassee, FL
May 21 - The Sound Room - Mobile, AL
May 22 - The High Ground - Metairie, LA
May 23 - Juanitas Cantina - Little Rock, AR
May 24 - The Java Jazz - E. Houston, TX
May 25 - Ridglea Theatre - Fort Worth, TX
May 26 - White Rabbit - San Antonio, TX
May 27 - King of Clubs - Claremore, OK
May 28 - Eagles Lodge - Wichita, KS
May 29 - 2 Cents Plain - St Louis, MO
May 30 - The Picador - Iowa City, IA
May 31 - Dougs American Bar and Grill - Aurora, IL

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Rob's Birthday Surprise

Tuesday was Rob's birthday on tour, so we thought we'd try to set up as much of a surprise for him as we could on the road. We spent all night in Walmart trying to get the perfect decorations, cake, and all that.. and we thought we did a pretty good job.

Birthday Spread

Rob, however, had other plans for his birthday. Not content to be surprised, he had to be the one to Surprise US... check out the video:

This means war, Rob. This means war.

Birthday Boy

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

RV Maintenance Club of Nebraska

In our travels with our RV (who is about to turn 2 years old...our baby is growing up) we have realized that proper maintenance is the only way to keep it from falling apart/blowing up. On our way to Iowa via the Nebraska highway of wonderment and amazingness...we made a stop to do a full out tune up/clean up on our baby.

Lets play Mechanic!More Jacking Off

We changed one of the trailer tires, dumped our tanks, changed out a sewer hose, filled the RV with water, cleaned all the windows and vacuumed, and made an attempt at changing an RV tire. I say we made an attempt because after spending an hour trying to figure out where to jack up the RV...we finally got the sucker in the air...only to realize we weren't strong enough to twist the nuts on the tire cap...all that work for nothing...

These tires are too big

We eventually gave up and got back on the road to head to Des Moines, IA. We stopped at one point for Gas, and realized something about Nebraska. We didn't actually realize it, so much as we were informed of it by the gas station.


Eventually, though... we made it out alive. Des Moines, here we come...

We Love Denver

We've always thought Denver was a lot like Minneapolis...only with mountains instead of lakes. For that reason we've always been fond of hitting the mile high city on tours.

This time was especially awesome however as their radio station 93.3 has been playing the crap out of our song Apologies. We stopped by their station to do an interview/performance before heading up to Fort Collins for our show.

There were a bunch of radio winners in the control booth watching and clapping (inaudibly to us...we were on the other side of soundproof was kind of like playing a show for a room full of mimes).

More Radio Fun Times

The interview and performance is available to listen and download here on the KTCL website.

Denver Radio Performance @ KTCLRadio

We scooted up to Fort Collins which was a cool little college town...reminded us a bit of Lawrence, KS. The crowd was FEROCIOUS and our first date with From First to Last was a blast. We're going to be back in Denver for a big festival called the "Big Gig" on July 26th. Thats one to look forward to.

Fort Collins, CO

See you next time Colorado.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Kids in the Hall Update!

Newsflash... we misspoke when we said Rob met the Kids in the Hall. TURNS OUT he talked to them on the street a bit before our show and invited them.. and they CAME and checked out the show. They loved it and Kevin picked up a CD... thats pretty much a dream come true. We ended up kicking it with them for a good portion of the night, and Scott hung out with us on our RV for a while. We can't even begin to say how completely awesome that was.. we're all fans, so it was more or less a geek out fan night. Heres some pics....

Sebastian and Rob with KevinDropping Daylight with The Kids in the HallRob and ScottSeth and Scott

Monday, April 7, 2008

Hollywood Jr.

Short post... our internet has been questionable.

We've been rocking out super hard in TX, LA, AR and OK this past week. Its been HOT HOT HOT and our Air conditioning is busted...We are sticky sweaty and smelly. All good S-words.

This week we learned that Allen has NO IDEA how to pump gas. Apparently he'd been hiding it from us for all this time.. but Seth walked out of the RV at a gas station the other day and totally busted him. Hey AL.. You're DOING IT WRONG!


We're stoked to be in Texas right now, because one of our top favorite "regional" restaurants is here. When we're in the East.. we eat Dunkin Donuts. When we're in Cali.... we eat In'n'Out... when we're in Texas? TACO CABANA. We're planning on hitting it up something fierce after our show at Emo's in Austin tonight. Then its on to Phoenix for our very last show with our good Friends Saving Abel and the Sick Puppies. Sad times.. hopefully we'll have some cute group shots to share with y'all.

The other big thing going on this week is that APPARENTLY Texas is filled with Celebrities. At the Dallas House of Blues the other night Seth was hanging out at merch and looked up to find Kumar Pallana standing right in front of him.. he was STOKED. For those of you unfamiliar, Kumar Pallana has been in The Darjeeling Limited, The Terminal, The Royal Tennenbaums, and Rushmore. You've probably seen him and you don't even know it... Check him out:

And tonight in Austin while we were hanging out in the RV enjoying some Water Ice (Its like a snow cone kinda?) Rob came running back to the RV to tell us he'd just met the Kids in the Hall. Yeah.. The Kids in the Hall from like.. the 90s.

Its too bad we aren't making it out to CA on this tour.. at this rate we'd end up meeting Burt Reynolds or some shit.

Next up we're headed out for some dates with From First to Last....So be sure to check out those dates on the Myspace (And tons more.. we're never going home, its great!)

Send us some love, too.. We love pictures and stories and Hello's from all our friends.