Wednesday, April 16, 2008

We Love Denver

We've always thought Denver was a lot like Minneapolis...only with mountains instead of lakes. For that reason we've always been fond of hitting the mile high city on tours.

This time was especially awesome however as their radio station 93.3 has been playing the crap out of our song Apologies. We stopped by their station to do an interview/performance before heading up to Fort Collins for our show.

There were a bunch of radio winners in the control booth watching and clapping (inaudibly to us...we were on the other side of soundproof was kind of like playing a show for a room full of mimes).

More Radio Fun Times

The interview and performance is available to listen and download here on the KTCL website.

Denver Radio Performance @ KTCLRadio

We scooted up to Fort Collins which was a cool little college town...reminded us a bit of Lawrence, KS. The crowd was FEROCIOUS and our first date with From First to Last was a blast. We're going to be back in Denver for a big festival called the "Big Gig" on July 26th. Thats one to look forward to.

Fort Collins, CO

See you next time Colorado.


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