Monday, March 31, 2008

The week in DDLand

hey all! We know it has been a bit since we updated our Tour Blog. We have been having such a nice time thawing out our Frozen Minneapolis bods in Florida, that it was tough to pull us out of the sun.

Pretty Trees

Sebastian turned 25 on March 28th while we were in Florida. He started off our show saying" we are Dropping Daylight and it's my Birthday!". We decided to have a cook-out before the show and invite are good friends Sick Puppies and Saving Abel. We wanted to get in the mood for the party so we made some birthday hats out of our own posters.

Birthday Hats

After eating some good grillin and unbuttoning a few more buttons on our cut-offs it was time for the birthday song. I hope everyone at some point in there life can hear three bands that actually have good pitch sing the birthday song. Maybe it will be on our next record.

Yay!Birthday Cake

It was great to have the following two days off for some much needed rest and showering. We decided to find an RV park and do some more cooking out and storytelling around the empty pool. We love taking advantage of nice weather. Its about time we got our swim trunks and flip-flops out and put away our gloves, Long underwear and snow least for now.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter in the sun

We haven't been able to journal for the last couple days...we've had a crazy week with few moments to relax...

Last Wednesday we played Boston, MA at a little bar called "Great Scott"...we were impressed that the tour even fit in the club...but we made room and it ended up being a great show...and even better...we ate Dunkin' Donuts ALL DAY.

Thursday was Philly which turned into a CRAZY day. We drove through the night so we could head over to Drexel University and shoot a video for "Waiting through the Afternoon". Our concept was to do a video about making a video. We'll see how that turns out...but it was fun to make regardless.

Video Shoot

Video Storyboards

Last night we rocked Columbia, SC...and let me tell you...those people are the good way. The crowd had more energy than any other crowd so far on the tour...I got into the music a little too much and momentarily paralyzed my hand by crushing it against Al's ride cymbal...ahhhhhh the punishments we take for the Rock and Roll. Everyone was up all night for some partying and shenanigans.

St Pattys Day

Tonight is Myrtle Beach, SC for the warmest Easter we've ever had. ;-)


Monday, March 17, 2008

Burlington Vermont.. Our first tour injury.

Tonight we got to rock the HIgher Ground in Burlington, VT. What a fantastic night! The first sold-out crowd of the tour and every single one of you was amazing.

We had a lot of time to hang out back stage, and we got to eat some great food.. Teriyaki tofu and Garlic Salmon.. right up our Alley! We also got to check our emails and myspace pages.

Allen and Rob

During the show Rob jammed his finger into his bass really hard and tore his finger nail in half.. G.R.O.S.S. Seriously. We're going to have to go stock up tonight on emergency medical supplies so he doesn't bleed all over us. Beyond that..the crowd was awesomely rowdy and got their mosh on. We appreciate that so much.. it takes balls to mosh to a piano rock band.


We found this sign at the club, too.. and we thought we should pass it on. Important information.. might do you good someday.

A Friendly Reminder from Higher Ground..

So Much catching up to Do...

We had a great weekend in DDland. It was great being back in Cleveland for a few days and catching up with all of our friends and family, and eating AMAZING FOOD. We hit up our one of our favorite restaurants... The Melt. Gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches with almost any kind of cheese you want and amazing bread, and a huge beer selection. Thats always a big plus.

Saturday we were fortunate enough to dine like KINGS at Al's parents house. They grilled up some MEAN Lobster tails because Seth had never had fresh lobster before. Absolutely incredible. After the show, Allen got to go hang out at The Winchester... one of his old haunts for the night. They had something crazy like 6 members of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra there, and He met the singer for Megadeth. Strange combination?

7am Sunday morning we left our safe haven in Cleveland to trek up to Lancaster, PA. Its a rough drive at 7am when everyone went to bed at 6. Fortunately we made it in one piece and were able to rock some faces off at the Chameleon. There is an awesome burrito place across the street that we all wanted to hit up, but it was CLOSED! We can't wait to get back to play again for our new friends and fans and eat some burritos.

Friday, March 14, 2008


Thursday was our long awaited return to the House of Blues in Cleveland. In addition to HOB being the best places in the country to rock out... Cleveland is our Drummer Al's Hometown, and also sometimes Sebastians. We all love it here!

House of Blues

We all got a lot of hanging out backstage done.. Allen adopted what he called his "Sexy" pose and held it for a full hour before doors opened, and Rob got his fill of streaming tv shows. I think he's fully caught up now on almost every episode of Felicity.

Allen Backstage
Robo BackstageSebastian Pre-Show

A lot of our awesome Cleveland fans came out to check out the show and the crowd RULED. We played some of our new songs "Kidnap Kings" and "Suburban Life" and played our top-secret cover that we've been whipping out sometimes on this tour.

FBI InvestigationAllenSethRob and his mighty SceptorSeth

Now we're looking forward to spending 2 rocking days off hitting up all our favorite spots in Cleveland... The Melt, The Winchester, The West End, Two Bucks, Merry Arts, and a bunch of other places we havent been able to hang in Months!


The show in Cincinnati on Wednesday was awesome.. the weather could not have been more perfect for a COOK OUT. We've been waiting this whole tour so far for a chance to get to bust out our grill and cook up some fish and veggies. Once this tour gets rolling and we hit up the south we're going to be doing this every day. Cant wait!

Cincinnati, OH

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Grand Rapids, MI and Day Off Pt 2.

What a CRAZY night we had in Grand Rapids. The Intersection has always been a super rad club to play and we met a lot of new friends this time around.

Grand Rapids, MIGrand Rapids, MIGrand Rapids, MI

After the show our RV turned into an out of hand impromptu party (and at times, Dance Party). We rocked out with all of the members of Saving Abel and some of the Members of Sick Puppies and ensured that all of the beers on the RV were properly drank. Even our Merch model Priscilla came in and joined the party.

RV Party

Thankfully we had the next day off for a leisurely drive to Cincinnati OH (we ended up in Dayton.. they have a lot of Malls.) We only had one thing scheduled that day:

The Morning After

We're really looking forward to our next couple shows in Cincinnati and Cleveland. We LOVE Ohio!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Big Foot in Grand Rapids, MI!

Holy Crap... we never expected of all things to happen on tour that we'd encounter BIGFOOT himself!! We were able to get a quick snapshot before he disappeared into the brush surrounding the Camping World we were at... What do you guys think?!


Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Box Trot

Toledo rules!

Dropping Daylight played Toledo once...about 2 and a half years ago with the Plain White Ts and the was at Headliners (the place we played last night) and there were about 75 people there.

We went in to last night not really sure what to expect...there was tons of snow everywhere and and the club was freezing when we got there...

However things warmed up quick when the 500+ kids packed in and rocked out with us last night.

More on this later today.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Day off, Part 1.

Days off are always interesting and full of Suprises. We woke up yesterday morning to realize that we'd left the cover for the generator in our RV in the parking lot of the Venue... SO... We backtracked. We had Lunch at the same Panera we'd had breakfast at earlier, but we managed to find our Generator part and get back on track!

We finally made it to Chicago last night for a much needed relaxing hotel room vacation. We hit up a liquor store, ordered some pizzas and got buck wild. Everyone seemed to be having a great time, except for Rob.. who remained a little distant and aloof... Check out the video below:

Also, We finally got our TWITTER account set up! For those of you unfamiliar, Twitter lets you text in your updates from your mobile phone... You can also subscribe to receive Dropping Daylights updates on your phone. Check it out here: DD On Tour at Twitter!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Party in the Lou'

Let me just say first off that Dropping Daylight loves St. Louis. This town has always been so good to us and the kids just keep coming back and singing louder every time. Awesome.

We got to the club early today...way 1:30pm. So we had some time to walk around and grab food...we ended up having lunch at the Thai Cafe across the street...not too bad, and great lunch specials!

Tonight was a big show at the Pageant which we remember from the Breaking Benjamin tour...its also where we took pictures in the Pepsi Fridge...ahhhh good times.

Rob and Allen spent extra time stretching today because we're ALL sore as shit from yesterday...we gotta get back in road shape or we're gonna fall apart!

Rob is trying out for Dancing with the stars
Pre show warmup

The show tonight was amazing...the crowd had so much energy that it literally felt like they were driving us to good. High five in the middle of the show to Allen for nailing the fill in Waiting through the Afternoon. We had a chance to meet a ton of our fans after the show by signing everything from Posters to pants, CDs to cell phones, and tickets to speeding tickets???? Yes...we signed someone's speeding ticket. Not sure if the Missouri city officials are going to be stoked about having the DD signatures on their fine document..

We love St. Louis
Seth's head is on fire
Showing the love

After the show we had lots of time to the Halo Bar...over shots of Jager. And then there is Al...Thank you Saint Louis...we love you!

This is what Al dreams about at night

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Des Moines...first stop

Tuesday started at 8:30am. No one slept well as we were all kept up thinking about leaving home for the next few months. We rolled up with the RV to pick up Robo at his place and headed down to Iowa at around 10am.

Taking off for tour

We drove out to Des Moines from Minneapolis which is an exhilarating drive (sarcasm)...but the ACTUALLY exciting part is that it was super nice out when we got nice we mean around 36 degrees....but still nicer than its been in Minnesota lately. Allen was enjoying the warm weather by rocking some shades.

Al enjoying the ride

The show was awesome tonight...sold out crowd at the House of Bricks and it was our first time seeing the other bands on the bill. Saving Abel are a bunch of southern rockers from Mississippi...their guitarist Scott almost broke my fingers giving me a hand pound with his crazy metal rings on. Sick Puppies are a bunch of kids from Australia who play rock tunes and drive the crowd to frenzy.

We ended the night with a ceremonial Karaoke sing along with Sick Puppies to the music of Queen...god bless Bohemian Rhapsody for bringing people together! Hahaha.

Karaoke with Sick Puppies

Special shout outs to our new friends Bryan and Dani who stood out with me in the freezing cold while I sold CDs. Also our friends Tyler, Shelly, and Jay!

Des Moines DD Fans

Monday, March 3, 2008

Madison Canceled... *sigh

So because of bad weather in Michigan our first show of the tour was canceled and we are still in Minneapolis. Its a bummer that we're not going to have the chance to rock out with our friends in Wisconsin tonight...BUT the tour will move on tomorrow.

We spent 2 hours cleaning out the inside of our RV and unloaded FIVE trash bags (the huge black ones) full of trash and unneeded clutter from the place we live on the road. Where do we GET all that stuff?!

Anyway more tomorrow as we hit the road and start taking pictures and videos to share our lives with everybody.
