Monday, March 17, 2008

So Much catching up to Do...

We had a great weekend in DDland. It was great being back in Cleveland for a few days and catching up with all of our friends and family, and eating AMAZING FOOD. We hit up our one of our favorite restaurants... The Melt. Gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches with almost any kind of cheese you want and amazing bread, and a huge beer selection. Thats always a big plus.

Saturday we were fortunate enough to dine like KINGS at Al's parents house. They grilled up some MEAN Lobster tails because Seth had never had fresh lobster before. Absolutely incredible. After the show, Allen got to go hang out at The Winchester... one of his old haunts for the night. They had something crazy like 6 members of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra there, and He met the singer for Megadeth. Strange combination?

7am Sunday morning we left our safe haven in Cleveland to trek up to Lancaster, PA. Its a rough drive at 7am when everyone went to bed at 6. Fortunately we made it in one piece and were able to rock some faces off at the Chameleon. There is an awesome burrito place across the street that we all wanted to hit up, but it was CLOSED! We can't wait to get back to play again for our new friends and fans and eat some burritos.

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