Thursday, March 6, 2008

Party in the Lou'

Let me just say first off that Dropping Daylight loves St. Louis. This town has always been so good to us and the kids just keep coming back and singing louder every time. Awesome.

We got to the club early today...way 1:30pm. So we had some time to walk around and grab food...we ended up having lunch at the Thai Cafe across the street...not too bad, and great lunch specials!

Tonight was a big show at the Pageant which we remember from the Breaking Benjamin tour...its also where we took pictures in the Pepsi Fridge...ahhhh good times.

Rob and Allen spent extra time stretching today because we're ALL sore as shit from yesterday...we gotta get back in road shape or we're gonna fall apart!

Rob is trying out for Dancing with the stars
Pre show warmup

The show tonight was amazing...the crowd had so much energy that it literally felt like they were driving us to good. High five in the middle of the show to Allen for nailing the fill in Waiting through the Afternoon. We had a chance to meet a ton of our fans after the show by signing everything from Posters to pants, CDs to cell phones, and tickets to speeding tickets???? Yes...we signed someone's speeding ticket. Not sure if the Missouri city officials are going to be stoked about having the DD signatures on their fine document..

We love St. Louis
Seth's head is on fire
Showing the love

After the show we had lots of time to the Halo Bar...over shots of Jager. And then there is Al...Thank you Saint Louis...we love you!

This is what Al dreams about at night


Anonymous said...

ahh you guys were fucking amazing
lastnight ! never heard of your band before but im sure as hell gald i know you guys now ! amazing music ! keep it coming :D

Anonymous said...

We love you guys!
Can not wait for you all to come back!!

Keep up the amazing work!