Friday, March 14, 2008


Thursday was our long awaited return to the House of Blues in Cleveland. In addition to HOB being the best places in the country to rock out... Cleveland is our Drummer Al's Hometown, and also sometimes Sebastians. We all love it here!

House of Blues

We all got a lot of hanging out backstage done.. Allen adopted what he called his "Sexy" pose and held it for a full hour before doors opened, and Rob got his fill of streaming tv shows. I think he's fully caught up now on almost every episode of Felicity.

Allen Backstage
Robo BackstageSebastian Pre-Show

A lot of our awesome Cleveland fans came out to check out the show and the crowd RULED. We played some of our new songs "Kidnap Kings" and "Suburban Life" and played our top-secret cover that we've been whipping out sometimes on this tour.

FBI InvestigationAllenSethRob and his mighty SceptorSeth

Now we're looking forward to spending 2 rocking days off hitting up all our favorite spots in Cleveland... The Melt, The Winchester, The West End, Two Bucks, Merry Arts, and a bunch of other places we havent been able to hang in Months!

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